9 wks Abram's stash included more than just his toys.  TV remotes, shoes, whatever wasn't nailed down.
Abram 10 wks lying by the oven.
Air Conditioning, a Terv's Best Friend.
12 weeks living room.
10 weeks.
10 wks playing in field with Mommy.
Stump Speaking.
Young Re"pup"lican.
Abram and our AQHA mare, Allie.
10 wks in dandelions
12 wks me and Abram.
12 wks kitchen has one too!
Nothin' beats lying on the sofa eating a rawhide.  12 wks.
32 wks hair blowing in the breeze of the a/c vent.
In memory of Abram.
This page was copyrighted on: December 26, 2008